What is a bot in RPA? Robotics Definition & Uses.

What is a bot in RPA? Robotics Definition & Uses.

What is a rpa bot?

Today's article is a bit different, because through today's article we are going to learn about an advanced and modern technology.

Today we are going to know in detail what is robot, how does robot work and different types of robot.

Although there is a general idea about robots among the people of today, although they do not know the whole thing clearly. (what does rpa)

There are many people who have various questions about robots in their mind, such as,

Is a robot really like a person?

Can they do any kind of work?

In the movies (movies) we are shown a lot of developed and advanced robots, but are the robots really made that way?

There is no person who either has not heard about robots or knows nothing about them.

Almost every person has heard about this robot at some point of time, but there are very few people who have real knowledge about it.

Through today's article we will try to know the answer to all such questions, and first we are going to know, "What is Robot (about robot in Bangla)?".

What is a bot?

Simply put, a robot is a type of machine that works based on the program and instructions sent by the computer.

Robots are designed to perform various complex tasks easily and automatically is done.

A robot is developed by combining mechanical, software and electronic engineering.

A robot is a machine or device that can be programmed by a computer.

Definition of Robot 

In fact, a robot is a type of automatic machine that is designed to perform specific and multiple tasks by itself with proper speed and accuracy can be done with

There are some robots that are controlled by an external control device and there are many robots that are controlled by a control device inside the robot.

To be honest, the size and shape of a robot is not that important.

And so, it is completely wrong to say that only the machines made with human size, shape and structure can be called robots. A robot can be any shape, form or shape, it totally depends on its task.

Scientists determine the size and shape of a robot based on the type of work it is being designed for

If only a robot was made to look like a human, then it could only act like a human not so ?

In fact, there are many different types of robots that are made with large sizes and which are used in the field of heavy engineering.


For example I am going to talk about my own company where I am currently employed.

My company is an automobile company which manufactures 2 wheelers 4 wheelers 4 body parts

Large and small parts are welded together to form the larger assemblies you see inside a car.

Different parts of the car are made by putting different small and big parts together.

And now the question is, who joins these small and big parts to make big parts?

You are right, these tasks are done by "robots".

So you understand by now that a robot doesn't have to look just like a human.

Depending on what is to be done with the robot, it can be made in any shape.

Now you may have clearly understood what robot means or what does robot mean.

How do robots work?(what does rpa)

So, you have understood what a robot is.

Robots are different machines for doing almost every type of work is fitted.

There are 5 main parts to work through which are the most important

• Structure Body

• Sensor System

• Muscle System

• Power Source

• Brain System

Any robot activity always has some physical structure.

Here there is a kind of motor, sensor system, power source and computer brain which controls the entire body.

Robots use pistons, due to which they can move in different directions.

The programs are installed in the brain and as programs the brain controls the entire body.

Robots operate according to the programs written in them, thus changing them by rewriting new programs to perform a second or different task.

Not every robot has a sensor, but some robots are equipped with sensors to hear or feel.

Types of robots

By now you have understood what is a robot and now I will tell you how many types of robots and what they are.

Robots can be of different types, but they are divided into different categories depending on their work and technology.

• Stationary

• Legged


• Swimming

• Flying


• Mobile spherical

Let's go through each robot type below.

Stationary Robot

Stationary robots are called robots that are located in a fixed place

Meaning, these types of robots do the work from one place.

Besides, the movement done by them is definitely fixed.

Therefore, these types of robots cannot change their position or direction.

These types of robots can be seen almost everywhere these days.

For example, welding, drilling or gripping robots.

Legged Robot

These are exactly the kind of robots where legs are attached instead of wheels

They can move forward, backward, right and left like humans.

Legged robots have the ability to move on any flat surface as well as on various rough surfaces.

Wheel Robot

These are the type of robots that are equipped with wheels for movement

Due to the presence of wheels, these types of robots Can move well only on level ground.

If these robots are sent for work in any rough place, they will not be able to work well.

These robots are very easy to design, build and program.

Swimming Robots

By hearing the name, you can understand that these types of robots must have something to do with water.

Hey, swimming robots are a type of robots that have tricks to swim in water.

In the future, these types of robots can be used for many purposes.

With these, data can be collected far down into the ocean.

Flying Robots

Just by hearing the name, you can understand that these types of robots have flying techniques

These types of robots can be used in various tasks such as searching for someone, collecting information, etc

Basically, these types of robots are very small in size

Swarm Robots

These types of robots are very small in size, but they work together within a larger system.

In the same way that ants work together to perform large tasks, swarm robots work together.

Mobile Spherical Robot

These types of robots move around in any place or place, and therefore these types of robots are called spherical robot I mobile spherical robot.

Also many other types of robots.
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